Studies show that if you are not in an active job search, you are less likely to engage people in your professional network. That’s a huge mistake. Staying top-of-mind with people in your professional network is super important, especially when you are not actively seeking employment. Let me explain.
A popular movie trivia party game of the 1990s was based on the premise that any actor could be linked to Kevin Bacon in six steps or less. The actor’s “Bacon Number” showed the number of degrees of separation between the actor and Kevin Bacon. The party game demonstrated the idea that any person on Earth could meet anyone in the world with six steps (or less) between them and the other person. The social science behind six degrees of separation dates back to the 1920s. The idea that “a friend-of-a-friend, 6-link chain” could connect any two people on the planet is intriguing. LinkedIn is built on the idea of person-to-person connectivity to help people find employment. But, if you are like me, you have numerous connections on LinkedIn that you don’t know personally. The question is, “How do you filter out your close connections from the massive number of LinkedIn connections to the people you actually know, like, and trust? Do you have a plan to reach out to these close contacts on a regular basis to build strong business relationships?” As a Phello Career Networking Expert, I can help you build, optimize, and manage your contacts using SaaS technology. By proactively messaging close contacts regularly, you will not fall prey to the pandemonium associated with job loss in this crazy economy. If the unexpected layoff does happen, you will have numerous people who are happy to serve as your champions and introduce you to a friend-of-a-friend who may know of a job opportunity that is perfectly suited for you. Differentiate yourself from the sea of candidates flooding the job market due to layoffs. Click below to find out how you can work with Sharla Taylor to harness the power of Phello networking services. |
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Sharla is a mulit-certified career coach, executive resume writer, job search strategist, networking consultant, and published author. Through her company, Written by a Pro, Sharla has been helping executives and mid-career professionals land great jobs with better compensation and work-life balance for more than 20 years. She approaches her business from a Christian perspective. Her favorite Scripture is Matthew 19:26 "with God all things are possible" and this Bible verse is the inspiration for Finding Meaningful Work & Career Happiness online career coaching program. Click here to explore some free resources for mid-career and executive job seekers and book your free, 20-minute consultation with Sharla Taylor. WRITTEN BY A PRO
912-656-6857 Mon. - Thurs. by appt. only Graphic Artist
Austin Farmer, graphic artist, is a graduate of Savannah College of Art and Design where he majored in Industrial Design and minored in Architecture. Austin creates marketing materials for businesses and uses his artistic and musical talents to enhance the worship service at Compassion Church. He also draws exquisite portraits and creates amazing animations! Austin's favorite Scripture passage is Isaiah 12:2. |